Most frequent questions and answers
An e-mail will be sent once you’ve successfully placed your order. We’ll also let you know as soon as the seller ships the item(s) to you.
You can write to or contact our mobile (097)1 6 5319952 for your corporate gifting requirements.
Couriers will make sure that the delivery is re-attempted the next working day if you can’t collect your order the first time.
As per company policy, a shipment can’t be opened before delivery, but you can accept the shipment and get in touch with us later in case you have any concerns.
On the rare occasion that your order is delayed, please check your email & messages for updates. A new delivery timeframe will be shared with you and you can also track its status by visiting My Orders or you can contact directly to our mobile (097)1 6 5319952 or email
Yes, it’s necessary to log into your account to shop. Shopping as a logged-in user is fast & convenient and also provides extra security.
You’ll have access to a personalised shopping experience including recommendations and quicker check-out.